Press Release: April 21, 2020
Encouraging Words

If you look up partnership, you’ll see that there are multiple definitions. In general terms it’s when people or organizations enter into a relationship that will be mutually beneficial. Couples enter into the partnership of marriage, creating a a home and family together. Businesses may combine forces to increase sales or create a better product. Teachers and parents join forces to ensure a good education for students. Partnership implies that all parties have a role to play and offer support to one another.
We use the word partner frequently at Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT). Our partners range from Bible societies, national churches, mother tongue translation teams, Bible translation organizations, churches large and small, and individuals like you. Just to name a few.
Our overseas partners are experiencing the same struggles and limitations we face here in the U.S. COVID-19 has affected travel, shopping, work, medical resources. Despite the difficulties, they are thinking about us, offering support through prayer.

The bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia recently wrote, “Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who bears our suffering and pain, he will for sure see us through this difficult time of COVID-19. Grace and peace to you!”
The program manager at The Institute for Sierra Leonean Languages shared, “I write to express our sympathy to all LBT staff and partners on the corona-virus outbreak in the USA. The entire TISLL staff regrets the loss of lives that has taken place in your country and the world at large. We are praying for God to take control over the situation so life will be normal as it used to be. We wish you God’s protection and blessings in Jesus’ name.”
We are partners in Bible translation, united through our Christian faith. They are praying for us. Will you pray for the health and safety of LBT’s many partners around the world? Click here for prayer suggestions.
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