Press Release: August 1, 2019
August 2019

- Pray that Valerie Federwitz will gain insight from her nutrition therapy studies that will help her support the health of LBT missionaries and staff.
- Pray for Rev. Kierien Ayugha as he continues to teach in a new school year in the Linguistics and Translation Department of the Theological College of Northern Nigeria.
- Pray for Mike and Cindy Rodewald’s youngest son, Seth, as he is united in marriage to Vanessa Marsh in Concordia, Missouri.
- Pray for missionaries working with the ‘Khon’ Scripture engagement team as they develop a Christian education curriculum based on stories in the book of Exodus.
- Pray that God will sustain and guide Kara Kuhn (Cameroon) as she homeschools their children during their time of furlough.
- Pray for grace and wisdom for Ruthie Wagner (Sierra Leone) as she is wife, mother, and works with the Themne translation team.
- Pray for Sarah Esala as she participates in a trauma training course August 7-14. Pray that she will learn the content well, so it can be applied to help others.
- Pray for wisdom for Sarah Miller as she is working on a M.A. in TESOL while substitute teaching. Pray for wisdom as she balances her studies, work responsibility and fund-raising.
- Pray for wisdom and discernment as LBT staff members work on their yearly budgets during this month.
- Pray for Rich Rudowske as he studies for and takes preliminary exams for his doctoral program.
- Pray for peace to all missionaries in LBT during the many seasons of change and adjustment they undertake.
- Pray for the Shekgalagari advisory committee meeting taking place in Botswana today.
- Pray for the reviewer’s workshop for the Shekgalagari project August 13-16 held in Kang, Botswana
- Pray for the missionary kids who are starting back to school.
- Pray for insight, wisdom, health, and energy for Rob Veith as he attends the Sounds of East Africa Media Forum. He will be a presenter at the forum and will also be responsible for recording new songs generated before and during the conference.
- Pray that Katie Hogan will have a year of growth in her home, work, and spiritual life.
- Pray for the Wayeyi Advisory Committee (Botswana) as they have their first meeting tomorrow after a three-year hiatus.
- Pray that Mariah Olson (MK) will adjust to life in a new country and will make new friends and strong connections.
- Praise God for Mike Rodewald and his 40 years of service with LBT.
- Pray for Becky Grossmann’s trip to Liberia, that it may be productive as well as refreshing.
- Praise the Lord that Ipili (Papua New Guinea) church leaders are interested in supporting the language work. Pray that their interest will result in prayer and financial support.
- Pray that Mike and Kara Kuhn (Cameroon) will have great connections with family, friends, and ministry partners during their furlough.
- Pray that Tiffany Smith, LBT intern, will be able to develop her support team as she prepares for three months in Botswana.
- Pray for safety for the ‘Khon’ (Southeast Asia) Sunday school training team who will be working to equip Sunday school teachers in the local churches. Pray that their time will be effective in equipping new teachers and encouraging current teachers.
- Pray for the Derricks family as they begin to make their preparations to return to the U.S. for partnership development.
- Pray for Rev. Berhanu Ofgaa as he prepares to teach the History of Bible Translation course beginning next month at Mekane Yesus Seminary in Ethiopia.
- Pray for Ali Federwitz and Sarah Esala as they continue to provide phenomenal member care to LBT missionaries and staff.
- Praise God for the eagerness in the Kerewe community (Tanzania) to have the Bible translated into their heart language, which will connect the Kerewe community to Jesus.
- Pray for LBT Board Assistant Jennifer Kunkel as she continues to plan the next board of directors meeting.
- Pray for the students entering their second year of studies at the Mekane Yesus Seminary in Ethiopia.
- Pray for Ken Bunge and Salim Attisha as they work with the Chaldean Bible translation team in Michigan.
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