Press Release: June 11, 2019
A Building Speaks Volumes

“Language is power. Language is people. Language makes a difference in the hearts of the people.” These words of Rev. Dr. Jasper Ndaborlor inspired and welcomed guests to the consecration celebration of the new office building in Monrovia, Liberia. Ndaborlor chairs the board of the Liberian Translation and Literacy Organization (LIBTRALO).
Church choirs from around this west African country brought their praise and thanksgiving to the Lord in the Kisi, Sarpo, Dan, and Bandi languages. They heard Scripture read in Klao, Lorma, Bassa, and Vai languages.
Until now, LIBTRALO rented inadequate office space in Monrovia at ever-increasing costs. This new structure allows staff ample space to work, produce and store materials, and hold meetings and workshops. As owners of the new office building, they now rent out facility space to generate additional income for Bible translation.
Lutheran Bible Translators missionaries Dale and Alvina Federwitz were among the original advocates of LIBTRALO in the 1990s. During the civil war in Liberia, missionaries were evacuated. When they were unable to return, Liberians realized the importance of producing, teaching, and distributing Scripture materials on their own.
LIBTRALO works with 16 languages groups in Liberia, so people can hear and read Scripture in those languages.
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