Stories From the Field: Lleme Monitoring Visits – Based On An Article By Samuel Cooper, Linguistics Director At LIBTRALO

In Liberia, many children are left behind in the educational process. Beginning in Kindergarten, children are taught in English only, which is the official language of the country. Unfortunately, most of the children speak one of Liberia’s indigenous languages and are unable to cope with the difficulties of trying to learn reading and other basic…

God’s Faithfulness in Protection

An Interview with Jim Laesch, Career Missionary “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” Isaiah 43:2 (ESV) “A workshop was going on [in Liberia]…and…

Faithful in All | The Liberian Civil War

About The Episode In the past 60 years, missionaries with Lutheran Bible Translators have seen war and destruction effect the growth of ministry—but the faithfulness of God has never been disrupted. On this episode of Essentially Translatable, host Rich Rudowske celebrates the organization’s 60th anniversary and explores a significant pivot in the history of Lutheran…

Liberia Translation and Literacy Organization

Empower Liberian language literacy and cultural heritage through education, Bible translation, and media.

International Development Fund

Enrich and equip global Scripture work—establishing and further developing hubs for Bible translation and Gospel expansion.

Alvina Federwitz

Meet the Missionary Alvina Federwitz and her late husband, Rev. Dale Federwitz, began their missionary career with the Lutheran Bible Translators in 1971. Their first placement was Bible translation with the Mandingo people of Liberia. They also supervised the Kuwaa translation and literacy project until completion of the New Testament in 1988. Alvina and Dale…

Back from Liberia

About The Episode In this episode, we are joined by two staff members of Lutheran Bible Translators – Rev. David Federwitz, Regional Director for West Africa, and Calvin Inman, IT coordinator, who recently returned from Liberia. They discuss the importance of being physically present in their work and how technology is a tool for spreading…

First Things First

“What do you need to teach people before they can learn to read or write?” An LBT missionary asked that question years ago while meeting with several language teams in Liberia. Someone answered, “The alphabet.” The missionary wrote alphabet at the bottom of the chalkboard and numbered it “20”. Then she asked, “What are the first…

Study Partners

I was going to write about Ascension Day this week. Then it occurred to me that I really don’t know much about the Ascension, aside from the obvious. To learn more, I went online and found a whole plethora of information. When Scripture has been available in your language for hundreds of years the number…

Financials Prayers & Birthdays Winter Messenger 2021

Financials, Prayers, Birthdays, & Member Information Winter 2021 Pray for: Botswana > Pray for the Khwedam Bible translation team completing necessary revisions and preparing the manuscript for publication. > Pray for the Shekgalagari translation team in proofreading and final revision of the New Testament manuscript. > Pray that God will make the work of the…