Tyap Bible Translation

Join us in transforming lives by providing access to God’s Word through Bible translation and literacy initiatives in the Tyap language.

Bible Translation


  • Nigeria


  • West Africa

Language Population


Empowering Tyap Speakers Through Scripture and Literacy

The Tyap Bible Translation program is a strategic initiative by the Nigeria Bible Translation Trust (NBTT) aimed at translating the Book of Psalms into the heart language of Tyap speakers. This program not only focuses on the translation of Scripture but also emphasizes literacy development and active community engagement.

By fostering a deeper understanding of God’s Word and equipping individuals with reading and writing skills in the Tyap language, this initiative seeks to empower the community and strengthen their faith. Through collaboration, training, and the dedication of local volunteers, we aim to ensure that Tyap speakers have meaningful access to Scripture and the resources needed for personal and communal growth, ultimately impacting their lives today and for generations to come.

Photo credit: Anasskoko – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Empowering Tyap Communities Through Scripture

Every Tyap speaker deserves access to God’s Word in their heart language. Your prayers and financial support equip local translators and church leaders to bring the Psalms to life in Tyap, establish literacy programs, and create culturally relevant Scripture engagement opportunities. This investment strengthens faith across communities, preserves language heritage, and empowers individuals to read, understand, and live by Scripture in their daily lives.

Program Goals

  1. Complete Psalms Translation
  2. Expand Literacy Programs
  3. Foster Scripture Engagement
  4. Preserve Tyap Language and Culture
  5. Strengthen Local Church Capacity

Mende Bible Translation Plan

Step 1

Establish Translation Foundations

  • Form dedicated Tyap translation team for Psalms.
  • Develop translation guidelines and principles.
  • Conduct initial translation workshops for collaboration.

Step 2

Expand Literacy and Engagement

  • Launch adult and children’s literacy programs in Tyap.
  • Create community-based Bible study and recitation groups.
  • Develop age-appropriate reading materials and resources

Step 3

Strengthen Community Capacity

  • Provide training for local translators and church leaders.
  • Host cultural events to celebrate Tyap language and heritage.
  • Distribute and test newly created literacy and Scripture resources.

Meet the Local Team

Partner Organizations

Program photo credit: Kambai Akau via WikiMedia Commons

Honoring the Language

Tyap is a Plateau language spoken by about 255,000 people in central Nigeria, particularly in Kaduna and Plateau states. A Plateau language is a linguistic classification for a group of related languages spoken in central Nigeria’s Middle Belt region, particularly around the Jos Plateau, belonging to the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo language family. Tyap uses a Latin script with 24 letters and follows subject-verb-object word order. While some sources consider it stable, others classify it as vulnerable due to Hausa influence and limited transmission to younger generations. Recent preservation efforts include the 2022 launch of a Tyap Wikipedia and standardization work by the Tyap Language Development Board.

Program Progress

The Tyap Bible Translation program has achieved significant milestones, with the New Testament successfully translated and actively used in local churches for sermons and evangelism. This has sparked renewed interest in Scripture among Tyap speakers.

Literacy development activities are in progress, with resources being created to enhance reading proficiency. Despite challenges from local conflicts, a dedicated prayer group and national prayer day have been established to support the project. Local volunteers play a crucial role in maintaining progress, allowing Tyap speakers to engage with Scripture and develop literacy skills. The focus is now on translating Old Testament portions, starting with the Book of Psalms.

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