Mission FundNew Mission Exploration

Enable Field Programs to meet with potential partners to determine the feasibility of beginning a language project.

Capacity Building


  • Worldwide

Hundreds of languages are waiting to start programs

“Come help us with Bible translation!” is a recurring plea heard by Lutheran Bible Translators. Language communities want God’s Word, but they need the expertise offered by a translation organization to make it a reality.

To determine the appropriate program strategy, we need to assess the specific needs of each language community. Onsite meetings are invaluable for establishing relationships with local church and Bible society leadership.

Expand Our Ministry Reach

Your financial gifts and prayers to the New Mission Exploration Fund enable the Field Programs team to review and assess the feasibility of new program opportunities. New programs may include both translation and literacy education services.

Program Goals

  1. Increase Lutheran Bible Translators’ capacity to respond to translation needs.
  2. Create new partnerships with communities committed to bringing God’s Word to their people through translation and Scripture engagement programs.

Mission Fund: New Mission Exploration Approach

Step 1

Build internal capacity and resources.

Step 2

Deepen understanding of existing and future partner needs.

Step 3

Review and assess new mission opportunities.

Partner Organizations

Program Progress

  • Each year, we evaluate the ongoing needs of our program partners and consider dozens of new opportunities.

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