Mission FundMinistry Vehicle

Safe, reliable transportation allows partners to continue their work to spread God’s Word.

Capacity Building


  • Worldwide

travel Often Requires Long Distances, Difficult Terrain

Partners drive long distances to work with language committees at various translation and language development stages. Dangerous road conditions increase the risk of accidents. Washed-out roads and potholes increase wear and tear on tires, suspension, and axles. A robust, reliable vehicle is needed to handle rough terrain and safely deliver partners to their destinations.

Buying a vehicle overseas can be expensive and challenging. And when the inevitable happens – from flat tires to faulty transmissions – repairs are costly and time-consuming. Delays in travel mean canceled meetings, interruptions in language project progress, and extra stress to a demanding job.

Equip Teams for Ministry

We believe that every community should have the chance to read the Bible in the language they know best, led by people they trust and respect. Your financial gifts and prayers equip leaders around the world with the transportation resources needed to deliver translation and literacy services safely.

Program Goals

  1. Maintain sufficient funds to provide safe, reliable transportation for partners.
  2. Avoid delays in program progress due to transportation issues.

Mission Fund: Ministry Vehicle Plan

Step 1

Assess the transportation needs of field programs.

Step 2

Equip field programs with transportation opportunities.

Step 3

Ensure translation and literacy services are delivered promptly and safely.

Partner Organizations

Program Progress

As Field Programs continues to expand their impact, the need for safe, reliable transportation will remain and only increase.

  • New Hilux pickup truck for The Institute of Sierra Leonean Languages (TISLL).
  • New vehicle for Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY).
  • New vehicle for Rev. Linus Otronyi in Nigeria.

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