KukeleBible Translation
Accelerate Old Testament translation while expanding literacy and Scripture engagement across five Kukele communities.

- Nigeria
- West Africa
Language Population
Beyond Translation: Developing Language and Community
Building on the successful completion of the New Testament, the Kukele translation team is now drafting eight Old Testament books while expanding Scripture engagement through audio recordings, the JESUS film, and community workshops.
As translation progresses, the team continuously refines the Kukele writing system and language materials. This development process—supported by linguists and community experts—strengthens cultural identity while ensuring Scripture remains clear and accessible.
With literacy classes operating in five villages and plans for Translation Day celebrations underway, the Kukele language program demonstrates how Bible translation catalyzes both spiritual growth and cultural preservation.

Equip Local Leaders & Churches
We support Kukele community leaders as they translate eight Old Testament books, operate literacy programs in five villages, and develop Scripture engagement initiatives that will transform lives through heart-language Scripture access.
Program Goals
- Advance Old Testament Translation
- Strengthen Community Awareness and Committee Impact
- Deepen Scripture Engagement and Literacy
- Build Translation Capacity
Kukele Bible Translation Program Plan
Step 1
Advance Old Testament Translation
- Develop translation quality assurance processes
- Complete first drafts of eight biblical books including Job, Ecclesiastes, and Jeremiah
- Conduct team checking for Ezra, Nehemiah, and Song of Songs
- Perform consultant checking of Numbers
Step 2
Strengthen Community Engagement
- Establish Ukele Translation Day celebration
- Conduct church leader seminars in target communities
- Maintain literacy classes in five Kukele villages
- Sustain Scripture listening and reading groups
Step 3
Build Sustainable Capacity
- Expand partnerships with local churches and organizations
- Train two new translators and additional reviewers
- Prepare community members for JESUS film production
- Develop farm support initiatives for financial sustainability
Meet the Local Team
Partner Organizations
Honoring the Language
Nigeria has 500 indigenous languages.
The Ukele people group is considered part of the sub-Saharan peoples.
Since pockets of the Kukele language are found in the Efic and Agwagwune, Yakurr, Bahumono, Bakor, and Agbo groups of languages in Cross River State, they are presumed to have the same migrational history associated with the Bantu.