KukeleBible Translation

Advance the work of the Kukele Language Development and Bible Translation Committee as they progress through Old Testament translation.

Bible Translation


  • Nigeria


  • West Africa

Language Population


Translation can refine language development

Translation of the New Testament is complete. Scripture is also available through the JESUS film, audio recordings, and Scripture song workshops. Now, the Old Testament is in progress.

In many settings, like Nigeria, Bible translation is part of language development. So as teams progress through the translation process, there may arise a need to think about how to revise the writing system or other language materials. When this happens, they call upon the linguists to help solve these issues with the orthography.

Progress is steady, but leaders need your support.

Equip Local Leaders & Churches

Your financial gifts and prayers enable us to equip leaders in Nigeria further Bible translation and language development in the Kukele language of the Ukele people.

The Kukele Language Committee wants God’s Word to impact and transform lives. A local pastor shared, “I want to see the use of the Kukele language in church through the reading of the Kukele New Testament. I also encourage the Old Testament translation and teaching the language in primary school.”

Program Goals

  1. Make progress on the Old Testament translation, including draft of Job and 1 Chronicles.
  2. Distribute the trial edition of Esther.
  3. Identify and train two new translators.

Kukele Bible Translation Program Plan

Step 1

Raise awareness and community engagement through distribution of Esther trial edition.

Step 2

Identify and train two new translators for the team.

Step 3

Continue drafts of Old Testament books.

Meet the Local Team

Partner Organizations

Honoring the Language

Nigeria has 500 indigenous languages.

The Ukele people group is considered part of the sub-Saharan peoples.

Since pockets of the Kukele language are found in the Efic and Agwagwune, Yakurr, Bahumono, Bakor, and Agbo groups of languages in Cross River State, they are presumed to have the same migrational history associated with the Bantu.

Program Progress

  • The Kukele New Testament is complete.
  • Several Old Testament books are being drafted in 2024.

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