*Subula Bible Translation
Support the review and revision of the *Subula New Testament and the launch of the Old Testament program.
Support the review and revision of the *Subula New Testament and the launch of the Old Testament program.
Travel to work on translation is long and costly, but your support brings God’s Word to the Zia people.
Transformation is unfolding among the Zayse as God’s Word reshapes identity and breaks down class divisions.
The Yekora New Testament project lay idle for years. Now, a group of young people is determined to finish the task. The team needs your support as they travel long distances for training and translation time.
With the Yala New Testament complete, the team is expanding literacy, promoting Scripture use, and preparing the Old Testament for its people.
Revitalize faith—fuel the Assyrian Bible translation! Empower the translation team to rekindle hope, preserve cultural heritage, and bring Scripture to life in the language that speaks directly to the Assyrian community’s heart.
The New Testament launches in 2024 and plans for the Old Testament will soon be underway. Help keep the momentum going!
With the draft of God’s Word complete, your support will fund the vital team and consultant check process. Once finalized, the team will move forward with proofing and typesetting the final version.
Empower Khwedam speakers by translating Scripture, advancing literacy, and amplifying community voices in Southern Africa.
Join the journey as the Dan Bible translation enters its critical final stages, uniting communities through God’s Word and fostering spiritual growth and literacy.