Dan Full Bible Translation
Celebrate with us! The Dan Bible drafts are complete and now head to checking. Pray that Dan-speaking communities are united by God’s Word, and pray for their continued growth in faith and literacy.
Celebrate with us! The Dan Bible drafts are complete and now head to checking. Pray that Dan-speaking communities are united by God’s Word, and pray for their continued growth in faith and literacy.
Support Botswana’s summit success, ongoing training for translators, and efforts to update vital Scripture databases.
Travel is challenging, requiring walking many miles and costly boat rides to reach a central location to work on translation. Help this team bring God’s Word to Zia speakers.
Transformation is happening among the Zayse. God’s Word has brought a new understanding of identity, and long-standing social class systems and separations are fading away.
The Yekora New Testament project lay idle for years. Now, a group of young people is determined to finish the task. The team needs your support as they travel long distances for training and translation time.
With a revised Yala New Testament, the program team works to promote its use. The team has its eyes set on bringing the Old Testament to its people.
The Wayeyi live near the Okavango Delta, living as fishermen and hunters. A finalized and printed Gospel of Mark has increased demand for the Wayeyi New Testament.
The New Testament is set. The Old Testament is fully drafted. Your support is needed to carry the Themne team through checking phases and onto publication!
Raise up literacy class facilitators and print primer materials to empower the Mende to engage with the written Word of God.
Translation has begun on the Old Testament, while team checking and consultant checks for a previous version of the New Testament are underway.