Missionaries / Amy Formella

Serving Sierra Leone

Amy Formella

Meet the Missionary

While attending Concordia University Wisconsin, Amy Formella realized that she had an interest in Biblical languages and missions. While in college, she was able to go to Peru to learn more about being a long-term missionary, to Botswana with the Crossroads trip to learn more about Lutheran Bible Translators in the field, and Slovakia to help teach English during a Vacation Bible School. Following her graduation in 2015, she attended the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics to take required linguistics courses, and to begin her masters in linguistics with a focus in Bible translation.

Amy arrived on the field in Sierra Leone in May 2017. After a few months of orientation and then language learning, Amy began working regularly with the Mende Bible Translation team as the Technical Advisor. She assists the team by training, proofreading, being involved with team checking, and advising on the process of the translation project.

From the Field

  • Prayer Letter

    May 2024

  • Prayer Letter

    Apr 2023

  • Podcast

    Six Years in Sierra Leone

Program Partnerships

See the programs that Amy Formella has helped support, bringing God’s Word to communities who have not had access to the Bible in their native language.


  • Themne Full Bible Translation
  • Mende Full Bible Translation

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