SumbwaBible Translation

Help Sumbwa-speaking families experience God’s Word in their language, transforming hearts and homes.

Bible Translation


  • Tanzania


  • East Africa

Language Population


Training and Tools Bring God’s Word to the Sumbwa

The Sumbwa people cherish their language, passing it down to their children as an enduring part of their identity and heritage. However, there is a growing need for tools and devotional materials to bring God’s Word into their homes.

Your support provides essential resources, such as a high-capacity printer, to create Scripture and devotional materials that families can use immediately. With these tools, the Sumbwa community can deepen their faith and strengthen their relationship with God in the language they understand best.

Equip Local Leaders for Bible Translation

Local leaders in the Sumbwa community are passionate about bringing Scripture to life and delivering God’s Word directly to their people. These leaders undergo extensive training programs over several years, preparing them to guide their communities in faith and share the Gospel effectively.

With your help, these leaders will not only complete the translation of God’s Word but also help their community engage with Scripture through personalized teaching and storytelling, inspiring faith for generations to come.

Program Goals

  1. Build Community Ownership
  2. Train and Equip Storytellers
  3. Preserve Language and Culture
  4. Share the Gospel Through Stories
  5. Strengthen Local Leadership

Sumbwa Bible Translation Program Plan

Step 1

Build Community Ownership

  • Engage 40 church leaders and 20 local leaders through collaborative meetings.
  • Form and train an advisory committee of seven members.
  • Host quarterly advisory committee meetings to review progress.

Step 2

Train Storytellers

  • Host two leader meetings to discuss integration of storytelling into ministry.
  • Identify and mentor three storytellers from the Sumbwa community.
  • Conduct two 28-day capacity-building workshops for storytellers.

Step 3

Share the Gospel and Preserve Language

  • Host storytelling events for 200 people, including men, women, youth, and children.
  • Prepare and refine eight biblical stories for the community.
  • Share biblical stories with 40 church leaders and 20 local leaders.

Meet the Local Team

Partner Organizations

Program Progress

  • Selection of the translation team has been made.
  • Workshop held at Nyakato Bible College to provide in-depth training on translation-related topics.

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