ObeBible Translation

The Obe people of northeast Cross River State in Nigeria excitedly received the print and audio version of the Gospel of Luke in 2018. Help further the work through financial and prayer support.

Bible Translation


  • Nigeria


  • West Africa

Language Population


The Word of God – written and recorded

The Obe people of northeast Cross River State in Nigeria received the print and audio version of the Gospel of Luke in 2018. “They were excited to receive God’s Word in their language,” said Rev. Linus Otronyi, Nigeria Programs Director

Further translation has begun with the Gospels of Matthew and Mark. Scripture listening and reading groups make God’s Word accessible to the literate and those who cannot read. Screenings of the JESUS film – the life of Christ, based on the Book of Luke – provide a visual depiction of our Savior as He speaks to the audience in Obe.

One goal of the program is to encourage the teaching of Obe in primary schools. As God’s Word becomes more accessible, more Obe speakers will have an opportunity to come to faith, grow in Christ, and worship in their own language.

Empower Leaders To engage the Community

We believe that every community should have the chance to read the Bible in the language they know best, led by people they trust and respect. Your financial gifts and prayers empower leaders in Nigeria to translate the Bible into the Obe language.

Program Goals

  1. Complete the drafting of Matthew, Acts, and Mark.
  2. Encourage teaching of Obe in six private Primary Schools in primary 1-3: set up a curriculum design committee, design curriculum, and train the teachers.
  3. Mobilize the community to show the JESUS  film in Aragban, Oboso, Ojirim, Nkim, Ogbiria, and Ogang/Otsoro.

program Plan

Step 1

Draft several books of the New Testament.

Step 2

Advance Obe language curriculum in primary schools.

Step 3

Deepen engagement through JESUS film presentations.

Meet the Local Team

Partner Organizations

Program Progress

  • Completed the drafting of John.
  • Continued work towards drafting Matthew.

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