MaanBible Translation
With the draft of God’s Word complete, your support will fund the vital team and consultant check process. Once finalized, the team will move forward with proofing and typesetting the final version.

- Liberia
- West Africa
Language Population
God’s Word, Close to Home
“I believe that nothing – absolutely nothing – but faith and total trust in the atonement in Christ’s death and redeeming blood gives us right standing with God.” Mrs. Gbeoh, who heard the Gospel as a child and attended literacy classes as an adult, now serves as a reviewer for the Maan translation team. “I am proud to be part of such a noble task for my people and my church!”
For generations, the Maan people believed in a distant supreme god without knowing how to access Him. With Scripture in their heart language, they are discovering God’s promise to be near and accessible to His people. The Maan community is embracing this effort, advancing literacy alongside the translation, and preparing for the full Bible in their language.

Support the Maan in Translation’s Final Steps
Your financial gifts and prayers equip leaders in Liberia to finish translating the full Maan Bible, bringing God’s Word to life in their heart language.
The revised New Testament and newly translated Old Testament will reveal the truth of a loving and accessible God to a people searching for spiritual connection. Your support ensures Scripture will transform lives and nurture lasting faith.
Program Goals
- Finalize and Check Bible Translation
- Prepare for Publication
- Engage and Update the Community
Maan Bible Translation Plan
Step 1
Finalize Consultant Checks
- Ensure accuracy, clarity, and cultural relevance in Scripture translations.
- Complete consultant checks for remaining New Testament and Old Testament books, including Genesis, Exodus, Romans, and Revelation.
Step 2
Prepare for Typesetting
- Collaborate with the translation team and consultants to ensure readiness for Bible production by 2026.
- Organize and review the translated scripts for the final typesetting process.
Step 3
Engage Stakeholders
- Mobilize support and build anticipation for the release of the full Maan Bible.
- Hold community and stakeholder meetings to update on project progress.
Meet the Local Team
Partner Organizations
Honoring the Language
The Maan language has nine register and contour tones.
Maan speakers occupy the northeastern part of Liberia, known as Nimba County.
The community consists primarily of farmers.