Datoga TaturuBible Translation
Empower communities in Tanzania through Oral Bible Storytelling and Scripture translation, bridging cultural transitions with hope and resilience.

- Tanzania
- East Africa
Language Population
SCRIPTURE Brings Hope, Life, and Transformation
The Datoga Taturu people of Tanzania face profound cultural transitions as traditional grazing lands become conservation areas, challenging their historic way of life. Through strategic training, Oral Bible Storytelling (OBS), and comprehensive community engagement, Lutheran Bible Translators partners with the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD) to support holistic community transformation.
By investing in local leadership development, linguistic skills, and spiritual resources, this program creates pathways for the Datoga to reimagine their future. Training becomes a critical tool for empowerment, offering not just skills, but a bridge to new opportunities, cultural preservation, and community resilience.

Empower Local Translators
Partner with Tanzanian leaders to further engage their communities and develop Oral Bible Storytelling and translation strategies that empower the Datoga community to engage with Scripture in the language they understand best.
Program Goals
- Survey Datoga communities with Bible Translation and Literacy (BTL Kenya)
- Share Information with Other Translation Agencies
- Offer in-depth training opportunities for program coordinator
- Develop Oral Bible Storytelling (OBS) Capacity
Datoga Taturu Bible Translation Program Plan
Step 1
Build Translation Team Capacity
- Develop technical translation skills
- Provide comprehensive software training
- Strengthen linguistic capabilities
Step 2
Enhance Communication Foundations
- Offer English language training
- Improve consultant correspondence
- Develop intercultural communication skills
Step 3
Initiate Scripture Engagement
- Begin Oral Bible Storytelling (OBS) development
- Conduct initial community surveys
- Lay groundwork for Bible translation program
Meet the Local Team
Partner Organizations
Honoring the Language
The Datoga Taturu population is scattered across five regions: Shinyanga, Arusha, Manyara (Mwanza), Singida, and Mara. The Serengeti National Park was traditionally part of their grazing area, but access has become more restricted since it became a national park.
Traditionally, the Datoga Taturu roamed throughout East Africa, herding animals such as sheep, goats, and cattle. They have been on the margins, not having access to educational opportunities or healthcare, which limits the choices they have for making a living.
There are very few Christians among the Taturu, but in Tanzania, it is acceptable to be a Christian and there are many churches.