Jukun Takum Bible Translation

Transforming lives through Bible translation and literacy in the Jukun-Takum language community.

Bible Translation


  • Nigeria


  • West Africa

Language Population


Bringing Scripture to the Heart of the Jukun-Takum language community

The Jukun Takum Bible Translation program is a vital initiative by the Nigeria Bible Translation Trust (NBTT) aimed at translating Scripture into the heart language of the Jukun-Takum language community.

This program not only focuses on the translation of the Book of Genesis but also emphasizes literacy development and active Scripture engagement among Jukun-Takum speakers. By fostering a deeper understanding of God’s Word, improving reading and writing proficiency, and promoting a culture of learning, this strategic endeavor seeks to empower the community and strengthen their faith in a meaningful way.

Through collaboration, training, and support, God’s Word can be brought to life for the Jukun-Takum language community, ensuring that Scripture impacts their lives today and for generations to come.

By Mubarakose – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Building Foundations for Lasting Faith

Your prayers and financial support equip the Jukun-Takum language community to engage deeply with God’s Word for the first time. Together, we empower local translators and literacy educators to transform lives and foster a thriving reading culture, ensuring that every individual can access and understand Scripture in their heart language.

Program Goals

  1. Complete Genesis Translation
  2. Develop Community Literacy
  3. Foster Scripture Engagement
  4. Preserve Language and Cultural Identity
  5. Build Local Translation Capacity

Indonesia Program Plan

Step 1

Establish Translation Foundations

  • Form dedicated Jukun-Takum translation team
  • Develop translation principles and guidelines
  • Conduct initial Genesis translation workshops

Step 2

Expand Literacy and Engagement

  • Launch adult and children’s literacy programs
  • Create Bible study groups in local communities
  • Develop age-appropriate Scripture materials

Step 3

Strengthen Community Capacity

  • Train local translators and literacy facilitators
  • Host cultural events celebrating Jukun-Takum language
  • Distribute and test translation and literacy resources

Meet the Local Team

Partner Organizations

program photo by Chukaanthony – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Honoring the Language

Jukun-Takum is a Jukunoid language in Nigeria’s Taraba State. Jukunoid languages are a branch of the Niger-Congo family spoken by the Jukun people and related groups. Among Nigeria’s 325 languages without a full Bible, this effort ensures the Jukun-Takum community can engage with Scripture in their heart language—the one they understand best—deepening their faith. Paired with literacy education, it equips them to connect with God’s Word in a region where it’s desperately needed.

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