ZayseBible Translation

Transformation is unfolding among the Zayse as God’s Word reshapes identity and breaks down class divisions.

Bible Translation


  • Ethiopia


  • East Africa

Language Population


God’s Word is Transforming the Zayse

Christianity has a deep history in Ethiopia, dating back to the 4th century. Yet, for many of Ethiopia’s 85 language communities, God’s Word is still inaccessible in their heart language. The Zayse New Testament is ready for publication, and the translation team is diligently drafting, reviewing, and checking Old Testament books to complete the full Bible.

Through this ongoing work, social equality is taking root in Zayse communities. For generations, a rigid class system existed, marked by separate graveyards and restrictions on interclass marriages. But, as Scripture becomes available, hearts are changing. People are realizing they share a common ancestry through Adam—this truth is transforming lives.

Today, separate graveyards are no longer the norm, and marriages between classes are becoming more frequent. With God’s Word continuing to reach the community, the hope is that this transformation will bring an end to class divisions within the next decade.

Empower Zayse Leaders to Complete the Bible

Every community deserves to hear God’s Word in the language they understand best, led by people they trust and respect. Your prayers and financial gifts empower leaders in Ethiopia to bring the Zayse people closer to having the full Bible in their heart language. Together, we can see lives and communities transformed.

Program Goals

  1. Complete Old Testament Translation
  2. Strengthen Leadership and Governance Knowledge
  3. Strengthen Biblical Teaching
  4. Empower Worship Through Music
  5. Support Translation Team Operations

Zayse Bible Translation Program Plan

Step 1

Finalize Old Testament Translation

  • Record completed Old Testament books (Nehemiah, Ezra, Judges, and Malachi) for audio engagement.
  • Complete drafting, team checks, and back translations for Judges, Malachi, and Deuteronomy.
  • Facilitate consultant checks in Addis Ababa or Arbaminch to ensure accuracy and quality.

Step 2

Equip the Community with God’s Word

  • Organize “Faith Comes By Hearing” workshops to share the Bible through SD cards and Talking Bibles.
  • Print and distribute key materials, including Genesis (1,000 copies), Exodus, and Numbers.
  • Dedicate and distribute Small Catechism (3,000 copies) and the Zayse Bible dictionary.

Step 3

Cultivate Christ-Centered Worship and Leadership

  • Celebrate Bible Week annually in Zayse churches to foster awareness of Bible translation work and its impact on the community.
  • Host songwriting workshops with local musicians and LBT’s ethnomusicologist to compose new church music based on the New Testament.
  • Train and support community leaders to distribute Scripture and equip churches with recorded and printed materials.

Meet the Local Team

Partner Organizations

Honoring the Language

Through translation, the Zayse people not only receive God’s Word, but also celebrate and preserve their unique language and cultural heritage. Translators carefully draw from the distinct vocabulary across both the lowlands and highlands to ensure Scripture reflects the richness of Zayse identity. By engaging the entire community, God’s Word is bringing unity and breaking down barriers, restoring hope and shared purpose.

Program Progress

  • The team has recorded the books of Joshua, Ruth, Esther, and Joel.
  • The book of Exodus has been fully drafted.

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