Subula*Bible Translation and Literacy Program
Support the review and revision of the Subula New Testament and the launch of the Old Testament program.
- Cameroon
- West Africa
Language Population
Summary Statement
An early version of the Subula* New Testament became available in audio form in 2012. The Subula* community began to actively seek ways to revise the New Testament and translate the Old Testament. The Department of Translation and Literacy (DTA) of the Cameroon Evangelical Lutheran Church (EELC) and Lutheran Bible Translators joined the effort in 2013.
Program leaders plan to meet with Subula* church and community leaders, visit villages, develop an app, construct a translation and literacy office, and select and train translation staff.
The literacy program is seeing success and more Subula* are eager to participate.
Empowering Local Leaders
We believe that every community should have the chance to read the Bible in the language they understand best. Your financial gifts and prayers enable us to help leaders in Cameroon enable translation of the Bible into the Subula* language.
Enthusiasm and support for the project is high among the Subula*, with a renewed pride in their language – the heart and soul of their culture.
Program Goals
- Attend translation principles workshop.
- Draft Acts, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Romans, and Galatians.
- Attend I-Delta training (a training program for translation, literacy, and Scripture engagement).
Program Plan
Step 1
Equip the translation team through more in-depth training.
Step 2
Review and revise the Subula* New Testament.
Step 3
Complete Old Testament translation and publish the full Subula* Bible.