Missionaries / Rev. Kierien Ekpang Ayugha
Serving Nigeria
Rev. Kierien Ekpang Ayugha

Meet the Missionary
Rev. Kierien Ekpang Ayugha grew up familiar with Bible Translation as his father was a Bible translator, assisting with the translation of the Bokyi full Bible. It could be said that Kierien is continuing from where his father stopped, having had the privilege to check Bible translation products in at least nine Nigerian languages.
Kierien is an ordained pastor in the Lutheran Church of Nigeria, a Bible Translation Consultant in training and serves as an International Associate with Lutheran Bible Translators. He currently serves as a lecturer/professor in the Linguistics and Bible Translation Department at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria, training the next generation of Bible Translators for work in the over 500 languages in Nigeria and surrounding countries.
Kierien is currently studying for his PhD degree in Narrative Discourse Analysis with a particular focus on the implications that an analysis of inter-clausal relations in Bokyi has on the translation of Old Testament narrative texts into Bokyi at the Free University Amsterdam.
Kierien and his wife, Charity, are blessed with six daughters and two grandsons.