News & Media / Podcast / Living Water
Living Water
Khristian Dentley

About The Episode
The Living Water project is the first of its kind. The New Testament is sung chapter by chapter to a film-score musical genre — word for word, the English Standard Version (ESV) of Scripture.
Listeners experience Scripture in this immersive, uplifting production. Go behind the Living Water recording experience with Grammy Award-winning vocalist and Living Water contributor Khristian Dentley.
Living Water is produced for the Bible translation movement in association with Lutheran Bible Translators.
Christian Dentley
Everyone is interested in hearing it because they’ve never heard the Bible like this before. This is the Bible like you’ve never heard it before. Seriously, it’s a lot of fun.
Rich Rudowske
Welcome to the essentially translatable podcast brought to you by Lutheran Bible translators. I’m Richardowski.
Emily Wilson
And I’m Emily Wilson. And I hope you all are having a great 2022 so far, a year long celebration of the 500th anniversary of Luther’s New Testament into the vernacular language. So many exciting things on the horizon, right? We’ve got events planned and just opportunities for people to get involved, right?
Rich Rudowske
Because it’s a great opportunity to remind ourselves of our christian heritage, really on the centrality of the word of God. And it finds its recentering in this event of Luther translating the scripture for his people, other people in different places in Europe, and doing the same thing based on what his work was and then just spreading all over the world. And it’s just a great opportunity to recenter on. God’s word is our great heritage and central to who we are as christians.
Emily Wilson
And it was a party in 2017, and we’re going to make it a party again.
Rich Rudowske
Emily Wilson
We love to party as Lutherans. I actually don’t think that’s ever been said, but we do.
Rich Rudowske
We’re saying it now. We’re claiming it proudly here.
Emily Wilson
We love to party about God’s word, right? And I think that if were to make this an actual party, the soundtrack, like, what would be playing in the background, all those hit tunes would be living water.
Rich Rudowske
Living water.
Emily Wilson
I mean, sola scriptura. Right?
Rich Rudowske
So living water is this great project that we’ve been privileged to work on with some very talented artists to sing the scripture word for word from the ESV Bible. And the best thing we can say is that you need to experience that yourself. I mean, if it sounds silly or what would that be like? That’s our argument to say you need to listen to living water, which you can do anytime you want to by.
Emily Wilson
Going to slash living water. And not only can you listen to the whole book of Matthew, we recommend subscribing. So you can get Mark and then Luke and then John and then the rest of the New Testament as they are released.
Rich Rudowske
Yeah. And when you listen in, you’re going to be like, this is really amazing. And if that’s the case, on that same page you can get access to a video that shows behind the scenes of how the project’s being done. It’s really great stuff. And in that video is our guest today, yeah.
Emily Wilson
Christian Dentley, who has been part of the group take six. They are a multi Grammy award winning and multi dove award winning and multi NAACP image award winning group.
Rich Rudowske
Lots of hardware.
Emily Wilson
Yeah, I was going to say they’re a christian group that focuses in on God’s word. And so Christian has passion and energy, and just his perspective on the living water project as he’s been involved in it so far is not only just energizing, it’s contagious for sure.
Rich Rudowske
Yeah. Truly a blessing to talk with Christian and hear his thoughts, and we’re excited to share it with you. We are here today with Christian Dentley from the group take six, and we’re going to talk some about living water. So thanks for being with us today, Christian.
Christian Dentley
Oh, it’s an honor to be here. Thank you for having me.
Rich Rudowske
So, first question I have is, how did you find out about the living water project? How’d you get involved in this?
Christian Dentley
Literally, this was a God thing. I was recording at a studio in Orlando, Florida, doing a project, and I hired an engineer to come in who happened to be the engineer for the Living Waters project. And I wasn’t even singing that day. I was just producing. No, I was actually doing video production that day. And when we finished the session, Kendall says to me, he said, you know, I have somebody I think I need to introduce you to. He’s doing a really cool project, singing the Bible, basically. And when he said, like, my eyes just got wide, and I was like, absolutely. He said, his name is Pete, and then I can’t pronounce his last name. And so he literally said, pete can’t pronounce his last name, but he’ll get in touch with you. So I told him, sure, give him my number.
Christian Dentley
And a couple of weeks later, I got an email from Pete, and he was asking me if I would consider coming to the studio and maybe just trying out a couple of chapters. And he explained the project to me, that were going to be taking the word of God and basically putting it to music. Whatever comes out of your heart. It’s nothing scripted. Everything is by rote, basically. And I’ll just play and you sing. And that drew me to the project because from the churches that I grew up in, we would literally do something like that, where, being a musician myself, I would play on the piano and whatever the Lord would say through the pastor or the minister at the time, they would just basically just sing the song of the Lord.
Christian Dentley
And I thought, how cool to be able to do that with the actual word of God. So that’s how I started my journey with living waters.
Emily Wilson
That’s awesome. So you have a musical background then, with take six, but can you walk us through a little bit of your journey as a musician and what kind of prepared you that? Oh, yeah. Singing the Bible was just absolutely the direction that you wanted to go in the middle of COVID Absolutely.
Christian Dentley
So my parents pastored in Carolina, and, you know, when you grow up as a pastor’s kid, one of the things that comes with the territory is serving in the church. And so it was an honor for me to serve as a keyboard player. I started learning how to play keys and piano or whatever in church, and I would just wait for my dad to show me which chords to play, and I would play whenever he would nod his head. That really gave me a passion for not just music, but ministry as well, doing using music in a powerful way with ministry. I started writing songs probably at the age of twelve or 13, and just writing from my heart always had a love for God’s word, love for God’s people and love for music.
Christian Dentley
And so putting that together and to be able to encourage God’s people through his word, through singing and through playing, is just something that has always been something that I’ve cherished and something that God placed in my heart from a young age. And so here I am, almost 40 years old, being able to do this now professionally, as I go and sing with take six around the world and share the love of God in countries that I can’t even pronounce. We’ve been to the Kremlin a couple of times in Russia. We’ve been to Asia, Singapore. We got invited to Shanghai a couple of years ago. And just being able to go all over the world, just like Jesus said, go ye into all the world and preach the gospel, and we’re using music to do it. And so it was a perfect scenario.
Christian Dentley
The Bible says as many as are led by the spirit of God, they’re the sons of God. So there are sometimes where you ask and ask God for direction and things like that, and there are other times the spirit just leads you. And this was one of those things that I knew the moment that I got into the studio and met Pete and we started recording the first chapters. I knew in my heart that this is something that God wanted me to be connected with. It’s been a lot of fun, lot of laughter, but it’s been great to be a part of what God is doing and to know that this is going to go in places that I may never be myself. But again, Jesus said in his word, he sent his word and healed them.
Christian Dentley
So this is going to be one of those things where God is sending his word to different nations and different people, tribes and tongues that are going to be able to hear God’s word in this unique way.
Rich Rudowske
Yeah. So being in ministry and having the opportunity to share God’s love and the word of God, it’s a really important thing. But I guess I’m also interested in knowing at the end of the day, when you’re just on your own or in a small group or with your family, what’s the role of God’s word in your life?
Christian Dentley
It’s preeminent. God’s word is the foundation of life for me. And when I say that’s not a cliche, that’s not something, that’s just something nice to say that christians should say. Literally, in my conversations with my friends, there are very few conversations where a scripture is not coming out of my mouth. Just like we experienced already in this podcast, the Bible says that again. Here we go. God tells us to hide his word in our hearts. And that’s what I’ve done. That’s what sometimes pastor’s kids, they say the pastor’s kids are the worst ones, whatever. But I was one of those that just really love God and love his word. And so when you ask, what role does God’s word play in my life, literally in him, we live and we move and we have our being.
Christian Dentley
So that is the decisions that I make and whenever it’s everything, literally, that’s like asking what role does air play in your life? Or what role does blood play in your life? I mean, I need it to live.
Emily Wilson
Seriously well, and you share it along the way with everyone that you meet. And so living water, I’m sure, because it is God’s word and all of the emotion being evoked from it that you’ve been sharing it along the way. So how do you usually explain it to people who haven’t heard of the project before?
Christian Dentley
I explain it by saying that this is the Bible. Like you’ve never heard it before. Seriously, people a lot of times know me for singing, of course, singing with take six or even my own projects, and they know that I’m a believer. Right? And so the way that I explain it is it’s basically taking all of who I am in a single project is really what it is. And it’s interesting because everyone is interested in hearing it because they’ve never heard the Bible like this before. And so, especially when I explained, they were like, so do you know what he’s going to play? Is it written, like, not at all. Pete, with his anointed self, just gets on the piano and plays, and his musical prowess is just phenomenal.
Christian Dentley
So one moment you’ll be in this dark space where he’s playing these minor chords or whatever, and then he’ll flip and go to this whole other interstellar type sound, and I’m just reading the scriptures, following him at the same exact time, singing. So it’s a lot of fun.
Emily Wilson
So have you had the opportunity to play tracks for people or for people to kind of hear how that is?
Christian Dentley
I haven’t had a chance to play tracks for people because I haven’t had the tracks. The only time I get to hear the tracks is when I’m actually in the studio and we’re listening back. But I have listen in my phone, I have a whole blooper reel of me totally just destroying scriptures. Or either Pete will go one way, he’ll zig and I’ll zag. I’ll go the complete other, like, and I record it in my phone, and I play it for my wife, and we laugh about it at the house. But, like, guys, just make sure that we keep all of these bloopers, because I want to be able to hear this when it’s all said and done. But I haven’t had the chances to actually play it for people.
Christian Dentley
But God has allowed me to be able to, with Pete, minister living water in some services where people are, and the reaction to see people with their eyes closed in deep thought as we’re going through the scripture and it’s actually coming alive. And I love even the name living water. It is literally taking the scriptures off of a page and breathing new life into it, and to see the reactions on people’s faces or they’re coming up afterwards and saying, I have never heard the Bible like that. That was so powerful. Did you guys rehearse that? I’m like, no, we didn’t rehearse that. I didn’t know what he was going to do. But this is, again, an opportunity for the spirit of the Lord to play through his fingers and to sing through my voice, to minister his truth through his word to his people.
Emily Wilson
That is awesome. And you were saying that breathing new life, and really, that has been the whole hope aside with living water, is for people to hear it with new ears. That sometimes we get into that rut space of we run out of time, or maybe that we’re reading and our minds are tired. But generally speaking, as people are excited about this, why is it that you think that it resonates with them so deeply? What is the barrier that you’ve seen with people engaging in scripture?
Christian Dentley
I believe that a lot of people feel like the scripture is outdated. There’s so many other things that are vying for our attention. Like the scripture says, there are many voices, and none are without signification. And whether it’s TikTok or Instagram or Facebook or this or that, there’s so many things that seem a lot more alive to us. And here’s this book that basically sits on either a coffee table or on the shelf, and I don’t even have to even take it to church anymore because I got my phone, or they put the scriptures on the screens or whatever. But God’s word is life, and it is alive. And so I believe that. I heard a statement years ago in a song. It says, every generation demands a demonstration of the Church of Jesus Christ that’s relevant to its time.
Christian Dentley
And I believe that God is using living water as a demonstration of his living word that is relevant to the time that we live in, where some people just won’t pick up a Bible and read it. We say that, and it’s sad that a lot of believers don’t even read the scriptures until they go to church. But to be able to hear God’s word in this unique way. My prayer is that it births a hunger and a thirst to know God’s word and to know him, because he is his word. So to know him in this way, to know when you know God’s word, you know how to pray. When you know God’s word, you know how to speak life. When you know God’s word, you know how to handle difficult situations that come into your life, because his word is his will.
Christian Dentley
And so we’re singing God’s will over people’s lives. And honestly, that’s what he says in his word. He’s I will compass you about with songs of deliverance. And he said, he’ll sing over us. And I feel so blessed that it’s as if that scripture was written for me. When God says that he’ll sing over his people, he’s using my voice to do it, and it’s a blessing.
Rich Rudowske
All right, let’s play a part of living water, one of the tracks you worked on from John 21, and reflect on it.
Speaker 4
Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of John, do you love me more? Than these. He said to him, yes, lord, you know that I love you. He said to him, feed my land. He said to him a second time, simon, son of John, do you love me? He said to him, yes, lord, you know that I love you. He said to him, ten my sheep. He said to him, the third time, simon, son of John, do you love me? Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, do you love me? And he said to him, lord, you know everything. You know that I love you. Jesus said to him, feed my sheep.
Christian Dentley
So, yeah.
Rich Rudowske
What did you pick up on that you haven’t noticed before, maybe from that text or what kind of emotions did that?
Christian Dentley
Wow. As I closed my eyes and listened to it’s literally like watching a movie. I could see it. It’s different. It’s like, you remember the wizard of Oz where it starts with no color, black and white, and then when she gets to Oz, all of the color. Some people didn’t even realize that, don’t know that’s where the color actually starts when she goes to Oz. And it’s as if I’m seeing the scripture in color now. Even just listening to that and the emotion that it evokes from both sides, Jesus as well as Peter. Wow, that is moving.
Emily Wilson
I love how you portray that Peter was grieved because when you’re reading it and like, okay, it can go by in second, you know, and not even thinking about the emotion of someone speaking that to you three times and how that all transpires, and you captured that in your vocals and in Peter’s work of just know. There’s just this emotion as Peter’s wrestling. Why are you asking me? And what is it that Jesus’s response means? And I don’t know. There was just a lot there that, as I heard it this morning, it was like, I haven’t heard it that way.
Rich Rudowske
You know, of course, Jesus is asking Peter three times because Peter denied Jesus three times. And that’s got to be when you’re singing the Jesus asked him a third time. And Peter’s grief there, I mean, he’s got to know. And I think it’s just captured so well that Peter’s got to know. Like, this is exactly why I’m being asked three times, because I’ve denied three times. And just that answer, lord, you know, all things just. That’s very powerful.
Emily Wilson
So you shared a little bit about the bloopers, but what has the process been like as you’ve been recording scripture along the way, just in how do you prepare or what’s been challenging for you?
Christian Dentley
Well, I’ll answer all of those questions. Number one, the process for me, I was super nervous in the very beginning, just like, oh, man, here we go again. The Bible says not many noble were called. I used to say that every week that we would be in the studio because it’s like, man, I’m not the greatest reader of all time. I promise you that. I’m not the greatest vocalist of all time. But God chose me for a reason. He chose everybody in that room for a reason, and that’s for his purpose. Because if I was, know, went to music, know, juilliard or whatever, then it seems like that would make more sense to do this magnitude of a project. But he just chose the little dude from South Carolina. I literally remember my mom getting hooked on phonics to us when were growing up.
Christian Dentley
And I’m like, I’m the kid that’s in class that prays that the teacher does not call on him to read out loud. And here I am displaying his friend and to listen to it and to do it. It is the power of God working through me to do what he requires. That’s God’s grace, right? So that process started very nervous. I was very nervous at the beginning, but now I’m resting in the fact that this is not about me and that God is going to sing through my voice and do what he needs to do what his desire is. As far as preparation, Pete usually sends me the scriptures that I’m going to be singing maybe a couple of days before.
Christian Dentley
So I spend time reading those scriptures, specifically early in the mornings when it’s quiet and just reading over those scriptures and letting it be in me. And a lot of them I’ve read before and I’ve heard before, but being able to minister them in a different way, I take it seriously. So I listen to those scriptures and. I’m sorry, I read those scriptures and just make sure that it’s coming out of a place where it’s been deposited in, if that makes sense. So that’s my process of getting ready for those sessions.
Rich Rudowske
And how about all those names of greek people? I was in the studio with you, and you’re doing. I can’t remember which one of the epistles, but you got Yodia and syncticy and all those fun syntheke.
Christian Dentley
I’m telling you, we have to have a blooper reel, and not just with me singing it. We have to have video footage of this because my face, when I’m saying those names when I’m coming up to it. It’s like.
Speaker 4
Oh, no.
Christian Dentley
You know how the backup camera is? Like, you’re getting ready to mess something up. That’s exactly how it is. But good thing is we can actually play the guy who’s speaking it in Bible Gateway so I can kind of hear how he’s saying it. Yeah, it’s funny. It’s very funny. But that’s another thing. It’s not like this laborious thing was like, oh, my gosh, everybody just go into sackcloth and ashes before you go in and sing it. It’s not that. It is where the spirit of the Lord is, there’s liberty, and so there’s a joy that comes along with doing this that takes the pressure away and the fact that we’re recording it and I can always go back and fix it later. So those two things between the joy of the Lord and being able to fix my mistakes.
Emily Wilson
So that live performance that you did at the church services, a little different layer there.
Christian Dentley
Oh, yes. Nerves are real. The nerves are real. In fact, I believe in march, I think, like march the 26th or something like that. We’ve got a big one coming up in this outdoor palladium, and it’s going to be me and Pete, and I’m on this microphone, and it’s like, I don’t know if they’re going to have the scriptures up on the screens. And people are like, that’s not what that know. But, hey, let God be true and every man be a liar. As long as he’s glorified in it. I’m good.
Rich Rudowske
Yeah, I mean, that’s one of the key messages of the gospel for those who have found their new life in Christ is the joy of the Lord is our strength, and the joy of the Lord is ours. That’s one thing I’ve really appreciated about seeing some behind the scenes in this project is just. It’s a joyful venture, and everybody’s just having a lot of fun, and yet it’s God’s word, and we treat it with respect and our due diligence to be sure that we’re communicating the word of God. But that and having fun don’t have to be different things. And it’s been a lot of fun.
Christian Dentley
Emily Wilson
So, I am curious, has there been a particular passage so far that has been a favorite for you to record?
Christian Dentley
I can’t say that there’s been a favorite of mine, but I love seeing the scriptures that I know and I’m familiar with in context, so I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. For instance, we say that, and that’s a go to phrase in Christendom. But when you’re starting at the chapters before and you’re going through and you’re getting to that, and finally that scripture comes out and you hear it in the context that it was said in, even for me, it’s like, oh, snap. That’s what that means. Wow. It just means something different. I believe it’s just like a diamond ring. It’s got many facets on it. You look at it one way and you see it one way. You look at it a different way and you see it a different way. I think God’s words the same way.
Christian Dentley
You can read the same scripture a year from now, and the Holy Spirit will draw something different out of it. And every time I know that, every time I hear living water, it’s going to speak something different to me every single. So I can’t say there’s a specific scripture that’s my favorite or passage that’s my favorite that we’ve done. But I think some of the things that are my favorite moments are when Pete and I go to the same place musically at the same time. It’s almost like I know what he’s getting ready to do, and we land in this place together, and I just light up. Those moments are like, when we listen back to those are those moments right there is like, oh, yeah.
Christian Dentley
Not even knowing that he was getting ready to go from major to minor and we knock it out together. It’s just totally cool.
Rich Rudowske
That is so much fun. Yeah. And I’m glad you mentioned Philippians 413, because that reminded me. So your favorite passage, or one of them is in the same chapter as Yodia and Sintiki. Like, that was the same day. But anyway, that’s how the scriptures are. But, yeah, so much fun when Paul.
Christian Dentley
Is at the end of his letters and he’s like, greet this one. Greet that one. I’m like, come on, Paul.
Speaker 4
Come on.
Christian Dentley
Thanks, man. We’re going to try. We’re going to go for it.
Emily Wilson
This is definitely a challenge along the way, but it’s been a growing experience, too, right?
Christian Dentley
You just get a greater appreciation for the things that we’ve gone through to be able to experience the scripture this way. Because there was a time where the scripture wasn’t readily available. It was kept by the keepers that wanted to make sure that they were able to control, really, God’s word. But now it’s shed abroad from heart to heart. And you can pick up a Bible and read it or you can listen to living water. It’s everywhere and I love it.
Emily Wilson
So, as we’re just kind of concluding here, what is it that you hope for most in this project? What are your hopes and dreams if you were to just imagine where this all lands?
Christian Dentley
My hope for this is that I don’t even realize how powerful and how far the reach was until I get to glory. And God says, do you see those people over there in that city that hold that all of those people came to the knowledge of Jesus Christ through living water? And you saying yes to me in that, and that my reward would not come from people or accolades or things like that on the earth, but that literally this would be storing up, heaping up treasure in heaven that will just blow me away to see the results and the reward that comes along with being obedient to doing this and saying yes.
Rich Rudowske
That’s so awesome.
Christian Dentley
That’s my hope.
Rich Rudowske
Yeah. Praise God for that, for sure. Well, yeah, thanks for being with us as you’re getting ready to take a little vacation. I know we didn’t talk about that earlier, but we did before were on. So blessings on your vacation. We’re going to be sure that we send you LBT orglivingwater so that you have that with you. That’s where you can start to find the tracks now and share them with your family while you’re on vacation. I’m excited. We will, yeah, subscribe to it. And we’re so thankful for that. The Lord led you to us, led us to each other, and that we’re able to work together and this has been a great privilege.
Christian Dentley
It’s an honor. Thank you so much for having me and looking forward to doing so much more.
Emily Wilson
God’s blessings on your ministry.
Christian Dentley
Thank you.
Emily Wilson
I loved recording that. That was so much fun to be able to talk with Christian and how scripture is so woven into every fiber of his being and how he described, and I’ve heard it described this way before, but that God’s word is like a diamond and you turn it and see new facets and a new beauty and just a fresh word of perspective.
Rich Rudowske
Yeah. And the Holy Spirit’s going to bring something new to mind or different, maybe even if you’ve heard it multiple times. And even so much more in the experience of scripture with living water, hearing the words and the music, too, it just brings different things to mind. Is there something from your listening to living water that stands out that you’re like, wow, this is really hitting me different than before.
Emily Wilson
Yeah. So I know that there’s been a couple of times that I’ve just been able to sit and be quiet and be still. Usually I’m on the go, but having this one one time with God’s word and just noticing, you know, I don’t think that I’ve ever paid attention to that. And what does that mean? And being struck by Jesus confronting in his exhortation to his people to not be false, to not be, for example, a whitewashed tomb, that was always really impactful to me, reading it, but then hearing it sung and the emotion behind that. And what does that actually mean? What does that actually look like? Just brought up, I think maybe a deeper, more raw emotion than just reading it on a page.
Rich Rudowske
Yeah, the same for me. I was listening and reading Matthew 26, and it’s where Jesus says to his disciples, one of you is going to betray me. And then the next verse says, they began to all be filled with great sorrow. And each one of them asked, is it I, Lord? And just something in there. Of course I know the story, so I know that the answer is going to be that it’s Judas. But in that moment, I also just felt like it was me, too. And in my life, I have betrayed Jesus. I have betrayed him in the words I’ve said, the things I’ve done, the way I’ve lived. And yet he doesn’t call me betrayer. Ultimately, he calls me his brother. And that was just really hit me in that experience of scripture. Yeah, it’s a powerful experience.
Rich Rudowske
And as Christian has talked about from the perspective of recording it as well, just feeling like it’s one thing to sit in a studio and record words, it’s another thing to just let your mind wander a bit, to picture, like, what is God going to do with this? And who is going to hear about this? And he talks about rewards in heaven, who is going to be there someday as a result of this and come up to him and say, thanks for saying yes to doing this. It’s pretty amazing. And also, I’ll never hear the beatitudes anyway, besides Maggie Gifford singing it now. It’s so beautiful. So we both talked about being convicted a little bit. There’s so much refreshment and peace, too, that comes in just the joy in the way things are expressed in this project.
Emily Wilson
Yeah. And I think that it’s just beautiful. Lutheran Bible translators having this opportunity during our 500th anniversary celebration of Luther’s New Testament translation into the everyday language. And that’s what we’re doing. We’re continuing that vision and that reformation into different language communities of God’s word at the center. Very accessible and bringing it back of see the beauty. See the beauty here in living water. And you get to share that with others, and you get to share that with language communities around the world as you partner with us. So just want to encourage you, all of you can be part of that celebration as you listen to living water.
Rich Rudowske
Absolutely. Yeah, it’s really cool. And as those of us closer working with LBT get to see language communities experience scripture the first time in their own language, and it was just kind of on our hearts to say, how can we try to share this experience with more of our own people who’ve had the scriptures for so long? And just the 500th anniversary provided the right setting to say, let’s really focus again on the centrality of scripture. And the Living Water project is just the right thing to try to give that experience. It’s been really cool. And again, yeah, I think once you immerse yourself in scripture, you’re really engaged by it. You start to think, wow, I have the opportunity to make this happen in partnership with LBT and others for people all over the world, and it’s just a great opportunity.
Emily Wilson
So don’t forget to subscribe at Living Water to be able to access all of that and have daily refreshment by scripture.
Rich Rudowske
That’s right. Go do it now. Thank you for listening to the essentially translatable podcast brought to you by Lutheran Bible translators. You can find past episodes of the slash podcast or subscribe on audible, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Follow Lutheran Bible translators’social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Or go to to find out how you can get involved in the Bible translation movement and put God’s word in their hands. This episode of essentially translatable was produced and edited by Andrew Olson. Our executive producer is Emily Wilson. Podcast artwork was designed by Caleb Broderwald. Music written and performed by Rob Weit.
Christian Dentley
I’m Richard Trudowski.
Rich Rudowske
So long for now.
- Rich and Emily interview Christian Dentley from the music group Take Six.
- There is excitement for the 500th anniversary of Luther’s New Testament translation and the opportunity to reconnect with Christian heritage through Scripture
- God’s Word is central to our lives and it comes alive through this unique musical interpretation.