Missionaries / Jonathan & Carrie Federwitz

Serving Worldwide

Jonathan & Carrie Federwitz

Meet the Missionary

Jonathan and Carrie Federwitz have served as missionaries in Papua New Guinea for 23 years. They are associate members of Lutheran Bible Translators and work under the supervision of Wycliffe Bible Translators, supporting the work of Bible translation through aviation.

While in Papua New Guinea, Jonathan provided transportation for Bible translators, their families, and others to and from remote areas within the country. Papua New Guinea has rugged, mountainous terrain with no roads. Carrie served as a part-time elementary school teacher, providing education for missionary children.

The Federwitzes repatriated to the United States in 2022 to begin a new assignment at the JAARS (Jungle Aviation and Relay Services) mission aviation headquarters in Waxhaw, North Carolina. Jonathan will be training and preparing new missionary pilots for service on the mission field.

Jonathan and Carrie have four adult children: Nathan, Julia, Leah, and Rachel.

From the Field

  • Prayer Letter

    Mar 2024

  • Prayer Letter

    Sept 2023

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