Project Details
Rev. Kierien Ekpang Ayugha is doing vital work in Nigeria. His current one-year term as Acting Head of Department for the Bible Translation Department at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria, has him educating and impacting the next generation of Bible translators.
However, his ability to serve effectively hinges on something as simple as transportation in and around Jos, Nigeria, as well as his travels throughout Nigeria to consult with translation teams. Without a reliable vehicle, his day-to-day mission is compromised. This isn’t about comfort—it’s about necessity.
A vehicle means Rev. Kierien can reach any community that needs his guidance. Without it, his ministry—and the progress of Bible translation in Nigeria—is at risk.
Contributing to Rev. Kierien’s vehicle fund is an investment in his ministry’s reach and impact. Let’s ensure he has the tools he needs to continue his important work.
About the Missionary
Learn of Rev. Kierien’s Recent C’Lela New Testament Presentation to the Museum of The Bible.
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