KhwedamBible Translation

Despite being marginalized due to their minority status, Khwedam speakers are experiencing spiritual and social empowerment through the Khwedam Panoramic Bible Translation Program.

Bible Translation


  • Botswana


  • Southern Africa

Language Population


Summary Statement

Khwedam is spoken by people who live in one of the most remote areas of Africa. Hearing Scripture in their mother tongue has fueled interest in learning to read and write this unique language and brought the value of the culture and language to light.

Traditionally hunters and gatherers, the Khwedam live in the Okavango Delta, but move between the delta and the Kalahari Desert.

In Shakawe, Botswana, Khwedam speakers are experiencing empowerment through the Khwedam Panoramic Bible Translation Program. Led by local leaders and supported by Lutheran Bible Translators, the initiative focuses on literacy and resource provision, and is nearing completion. 

The Khwedam’s newfound access to Scripture in their native language is generating a sense of cultural self-worth and fueling a growing interest in local literacy.

Empowering Local Leaders

We believe that every community should have the chance to read the Bible in the language they know best, led by people they trust and respect. Your financial gifts and prayers empower leaders in Botswana to continue and complete translation of the Bible into the Khwedam language.

Program Goals

  1. Prepare the Khwedam Panoramic Bible manuscript for publication.
  2. Promote literacy education and provide needed resources and materials.

Khwedam Bible Translation Program Plan

Step 1

Work with Khwedam speakers to write their spoken language, using a familiar script.

Step 2

Train local teachers to help the community learn to read and write Khwedam.

Step 3

Carefully translate the Bible into Khwedam, keeping the original meanings intact.

Meet the Local Team

Partner Organizations

Honoring the Language

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Click Languages


clicks in this language


of the Khoesan languages – Settlers of Botswana

Program Progress

The Khwedam Panoramic Bible utilizes portions of both testaments to illustrate God’s plan for the salvation of all people. Khwedam speakers are eager to learn more and are enthusiastically participating in a growing literacy program in anticipation of the Bible’s publication.

  • The translation of the Khwedam Panoramic Bible is nearing completion.
  • Khwedam literacy classes have fueled excitement for the translation program.
  • Khwedam speakers have gained a sense of self-worth in knowing God speaks their language.
  • Audio Scripture has reached people in remote areas and generated interest in literacy.

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